Peace Lily, which belongs to the Spathiphyllum family, is a great decoration for the living room. To enjoy its beautiful flowers, you need to provide it with the right conditions. Are you wondering which is the best soil is for a Peace Lily?
The best soil for Peace Lily should be rich in organic substances and have an acidic pH (5-6). It must be well-drained, loose and fertile.
So let’s see what types of soil will meet these conditions.
Soli for Peace Lily – what should you know?
The Peace Lily likes fertile, loose potting soil. It should contain a lot of nutrients to ensure the proper growth of the plant.
Spathiphyllum is native to Central and South America. Southeast Asia and Oceania are also growing.
Under natural conditions, it grows in tropical soil. It is soil that contains a large amount of plant material that slowly decomposes.
So the spider flesh is used in tropical soil and it is this mixture that is best used for its cultivation. According to the zoning guide, tropical soil should have approximately 1.5-2% humus.
The humus content has a direct impact on soil fertility. According to the Farmers’ Calendar, soil with a humus content of up to 2% is called moderately fertile. It is such soil that is most suitable for the cultivation of the peace lily.
Peace Lily – the pH of the soil
The pH of the soil for a peace lily should be between 5 and 6. So it is acidic soil in which hydrangeas and magnolias can also grow.
You can check the pH of the soil yourself using ready-made kits that are available in garden stores. However, this will not be necessary if you plan to purchase a ready-made soil mixture for the peace lily. Just check the pH value written on the package.
Popular types of soil for peace lily

Different types of soil can be found in garden stores. Most of them can be freely used for planting a peace lily, but not all.
Read on to find out which soil type is suitable for the peace lily.
Universal soil for the peace lily
This type of soil is most often used for planting indoor plants. It is a mixture of high and low peat, with a different degree of decomposition. It is perfect for growing plants as it contains a lot of nutrients.
However, it is worth remembering that if the universal soil has a lot of high peat, it will retain moisture strongly. Peace Lily likes slightly moist soil, but it must be well-drained.
The second aspect you need to pay attention to is the pH of the Universal soil. As I wrote before, the perennial needs acidic soil in the range between 5 and 6.
Universal high-peat soil is generally very acidic (pH up to 7). It is possible that it will need to be de-acidified a bit to be suitable for the peace lily. The soil is de-acidified by adding lime or chalk to it, but this requires a little experience.
If you don’t want to do it yourself, make sure the soil you choose has the right pH for the peace lily.
Soil for cacti
The pH of the cactus substrate is usually between 5.5 and 6.5. So it’s a bit too acidic for a peace lily, but that shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
Such soil is well-drained, but, as a rule, does not retain moisture at all. If the cacti have moist soil, their roots can start to rot. Due to this, the soil for cacti has a lot of inorganic substances such as perlite and sand.
It is worth paying attention to the content of humus substances. Some soil for cacti mixtures has too little soil for the peace lily. I am writing some because I came across the soil, which on the package had the name “Cactus soil” and in fact, it did not resemble it at all.
I don’t want to mention the name here, but I can write that the soil was like a home for succulents. It had a lot of organic substances and little inorganic. Besides, it was already treated with nitrogen fertilizer, which accelerates the growth.
Rather, such soil is used by industrial growers who care about the rapid growth of small cacti. In my opinion, such a mixture is not suitable for cacti, but it should work well in the case of a peace lily. Provided it has the right pH, of course.
A substrate for palm trees
Palm trees grow in nature in the tropics, which is why they have a lot in common with the peace lily. Their soil is loose, fertile and well-drained. It has a slightly acidic pH, so it is a very good choice for peace lily cultivation.
An additional advantage of this type of soil is its humus content. The substrate for palm trees has quite a lot of it, so it is perfect for growing peace lily.
A self-prepared mixture of soil

It is not always possible to find suitable soil for a peace lily and you have to prepare it yourself. It is not complicated and it is enough to mix a few ingredients together.
You can use universal soil as a base. 2 parts of such a substrate should be mixed with 1 part of perlite or other filler. Remember to choose a universal soil with the right pH, i.e. slightly acidic.
You can use the following components to prepare the soil for the peace lily.
- Universal soil. It is the basic element of the ground for a peace lily. It must be rich in nutrients, aerated and contain humus.
- Garden sand. It contains crushed stones and is used to increase the permeability of the soil. You can choose garden sand or aquarium sand, which is also safe for plants. Normal sand must not be used as it may contain dirt and fungi.
- Peat. This component allows water to be retained in the soil. By the way, it contains quite a lot of nutrients that the peace lily will use for growth.
- Pine bark . This is nothing but small pieces of conifer bark. Most often, the bark of pine, fir and spruce is used for its production. It is used to compact and create air pockets in the ground. Such pockets allow the roots of the leaf flower to grow more easily because the plant does not have to break through the compacted soil.
- Coconut fibers. It is used for soil compaction.
- Perlite. It is a kind of rock with a porous surface and small holes. It does not retain moisture, but allows you to aerate the ground. In addition, it facilitates the drainage of water. It is often used in soil mixtures for succulents.
- Pumice stone . It is used to loosen the ground. It perfectly aerates and has the ability to absorb nutrients and water. In addition, it is very durable and neutral in terms of pH.
Using these materials, you can prepare the substrate for the peace lily yourself.
It’s best to mix together:
- 2 parts of the universal soil
- 2 parts of sand
- 1 part bark, coir or perlite
By mixing these ingredients together, you will prepare the right soil for the peace lily. It will be well ventilated, permeable and fertile. Remember that this recipe can be modified depending on what kind of soil you have.
If you use soil for cacti, you can add some more bark or pumice stone. You will create a more fertile soil that is still well-drained.
What kind of soil will be the best for the peace lily?

Among the ready-made mixtures, palm soil seems to be the best choice. It will provide the perennial with the right nutrients, permeability and retain as much moisture as the plant needs.
If you do not have access to such a mixture, it is definitely best to prepare it yourself. You don’t need to use all of the ingredients listed above. You can choose the ones that are currently available in your garden store.
Just remember to always choose products from the store and not collect them yourself. Substrates and filters are always prepared for the cultivation of plants. They are free from fungi and pests that forest soil may contain.
How do I know that peace lily has the wrong soil?
I have already written what the ground is correct, but it is also worth mentioning how to recognize that it is wrong. Good soil in which the parafoil grows should not hold backwater.
If the soil is too compact it will hold too much water. This, in turn, causes the roots of the spider fly to stay practically in the water. This situation is very bad for the plant and can even kill it.
So let’s get to know the symptoms of the wrong soil:
- Root rot
- Yellow leaves
- Falling leaves
The fallen leaves of the peace lily is the first sign that something is wrong with the plant. Its leaves should be pointing upwards with slightly curved tips.
Even worse if the leaves are falling. In such a situation, it is worth checking the ground immediately for water. Just press it gently with your finger.
If water comes out of it, the soil is definitely too wet. It is then worth checking that the drainage holes are not clogged with dirt. I assume, of course, that you have a pot with such holes ?
The role of the soil in the cultivation of peace lily
The soil plays an extremely important role in the cultivation of peace lily. It is from there that the plant gets its nutrients and water. It surrounds the roots which, thanks to their properties, can nourish the plant.
Nourished peace lily repay them with wonderful flowers.
It is worth remembering that not all plants need the same soil. The Peace Lily grows excellently infertile, well-aerated soil that is well-drained. So you need to provide him with such conditions that it can bloom in any season.
Adequate soil for the perennial helps to maintain the plant’s resilience. Thanks to it, the plant can defend itself against pests, pathogens and fungi.
It is also worth remembering about the right pH. If the soil is too acidic, the peace lily roots will not develop properly. Some plants even become stunted if grown in soil with too high a pH.
Soil for repoting the peace lily

The Peace Lily should be repotted once a year or two. This is a great opportunity to refresh the plant and provide it with new nutrients.
It is worth adding some old soil to the new soil to provide the plant with some “familiar surroundings”. You can spread the old soil around your garden or use it to plant other flowers.
The peace lily should be transplanted in early spring. I add some perlite to the new soil to help the water flow better.
By planting a perennial in the right soil, you make it grow beautifully. The proper soil for this species should have the right amount of nutrients and be well-drained.
It is worth remembering that soil is only half the battle. You also need to ensure proper watering of the peace lily and the right amount of light.
Only in this way will you enjoy the sight of the wonderful flowers in your home.
Have nice cultivation ?
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of pot should you transplant the peace flower into?
The Peace Lily should be transplanted into a pot that is larger than the previous one. It must be equipped with holes through which excess water can flow out.
What does a peace lily need for life?
First and foremost, the Peace Lily needs proper air humidity. It is a tropical plant that grows well at a temperature of at least 13 degrees Celsius