Growing potted plants sometimes requires repotting. Today I will show you how to repot a monstera. You will also learn what tools you will need and how to prepare her soil. I will show you all this step by step.
So let’s get on with it.
How to repot monstera indoors?
What is needed to repot monstera?
You will need a few tools to replant Monstera:
- Gloves
- A new pot
- Suitable land
- Garden shears
- Water for watering
- Optionally, expanded clay or stones for the bottom of the pot
Let’s see in detail what is needed to repot a Monstera.
There is no unique philosophy here. Ordinary rubber gloves will be enough to protect your hands and allow you to replant more easily.
Monstera pot
Choose a pot that is 1 size larger than the previous one.
Too large a pot will trap moisture in places where roots should develop. This can lead to mycelial growth, resulting in the rotting of the roots and yellowing of the leaves.
When it comes to the material of the pot, you can choose any. Terracotta is the best because it prevents root rot.
The most important, however, is drainage. Make sure the pot you choose has the right amount and size of drainage holes. It is through them that excess water will flow out after watering.
I call this the base mix. It works well with any type of monstera and is easy to prepare.
The basic soil mix for Monstera consists of three parts earth and two parts perlite. In other words, 60% earth combined with 40% perlite.
You can change these proportions depending on how compact your soil is.
But that’s not all. You can prepare an advanced earth mixture that will make the monstera “pop” ????
Later in the article, I will show you more ideas for special mixes.
Garden shears
Shears will be used for any root pruning. It’s not necessary, but they can come in handy. They should be sharp so that they do not crush the roots, but cut them.
You must disinfect them before use. It’s best to do this with generally available alcohol-based agents. Since the pandemic, there are plenty of them everywhere, so there should be no problem with them.
Water for watering
Water for watering monstera after repotting should be clean and soft. Distilled or filtered water is best.
Rainwater will be fine as long as it is clean.
Expanded clay or stones for the bottom of the pot
Laying expanded clay or stones on the bottom of the pot has several advantages. First of all, they will create a space at the bottom of the pot that will allow water to drain freely.
In this way, the monstera roots will never stand in the water.
Such an addition of expanded clay or stones will also improve air circulation around the ground. The flow of fresh air is very important for Monstera, as it avoids root problems.
How to prepare Monstera for repotting?
Before you start repotting Monstera, it is worth preparing it for it.
Start by choosing the right period. The best time to repot monstera is during active growth. For Monstera, this period falls in spring and early summer.
During this time, the plant has a greater ability to regenerate and adapts to the new environment faster.
Before repotting the monstera, it is worth watering it abundantly. This will make it easier to remove it from the pot, which can be difficult. Especially if the monstera is quite big.
The step-by-step process of repotting monstera
Now you can proceed to the transplant itself.
- First, gently remove the monstera from the pot by holding it by the base of the plant.
- Clean the roots from the ground.
- Remove the old substrate that is stuck to the roots. You can use scissors or a knife for this (disinfect them first).
- Trim roots that are too long or damaged. You can use them for planting
- Take a new pot and optionally fill the bottom with expanded clay or stones.
- Place the monstera in a new pot and spread the roots gently. Make sure the whole plant is in the center. It shouldn’t be too deep or too shallow.
- Fill the pot halfway with potting soil and tamp it down gently. Be careful not to damage the roots.
- Fill the pot with soil (almost full – approx. 2-3 cm from the edge) and lightly compact the soil again. This will eliminate some air bubbles. Thanks to this monster, it will be easier to adapt to the new land.
After transplanting monstera, it is worth watering it.
However, this is not the end. Some monsters may require a stand to prevent them from tipping over. Such support will also support the leaves and facilitate watering.
You can find out more about transplanting plants on this page.
Support for transplanted monstera
If you want to know how to repot a monstera, then it’s already quite big. Deliciosa and other varieties can be quite large. For this reason, they require special support over time.
Monstera is best supported with bamboo ladders. Put them in the ground around the pot and rest the stems and leaves on them.
Of course, you can use other supports. It is important that the monstera is stable after transplanting.
To what soil should Monstera be transplanted?
Monstera substrate. How to make a monstera substrate?
Slightly moist and well-drained soil is best for monstera. It should have a pH in the range of 5.5-6.5 (slightly acidic). The easy mix consists of 3 parts universal earth and 2 parts perlite.
Monstera likes tropical soil. It should be well permeable and retain some moisture. First of all, it should be fertile and rich in minerals.
When choosing a soil for monstera, pay attention to its composition. Proper soil should have additions of peat moss, coconut fiber, or vermiculite.
It is worth reading a little about the individual components that are in the ground.
For example, peat moss, which I wrote about earlier, improves water retention. It is often used by soil producers, also because it is cheap. Unfortunately, it has its drawbacks.
After complete drying, sphagnum moss becomes hydrophobic. This means that it begins to repel water. This can be a big problem in cultivation. The more that it is used to retain water.
This ingredient has another disadvantage. It rots quickly and makes the earth squeeze. This, in turn, leads to loss of drainage and accumulation of harmful salts.
Soil with sphagnum moss should be replaced once a year.
As you can see, even the recommended ingredients have their drawbacks.
Now let’s see what the ideal soil mix for Monstera should consist of.
Special soil mix for Monstera
In fact, your monstera does not need soil. You need to provide her with a few basic things:
- proper drainage
- aeration
- moisture retention
- decontamination
- fertilization
These 5 key features will allow you to grow a monstera without minerals. Such a mixture will suit different varieties of monstera.
There is only one downside. Not all the ingredients that are needed for a special blend are readily available. You need to spend some time and look in gardening stores.
Here is the list of ingredients:
- Bark and pumice. These ingredients will provide excellent drainage and aeration. You can choose ground bark or pieces. Just make sure they’re not too big. The horticultural pumice absorbs a lot of water, which it gradually releases later. It is often used to grow orchids. Pumice is similar to pearlite, but has less dust and is heavier. It is superior to perlite, which tends to push to the surface of the earth. As for the bark, the best is orchid bark or fine bark, for example, pine.
- Coconut fibers for flowers . Improves air-water properties. It retains moisture. It is better than peat moss because it decomposes more slowly. In addition, it does not become hydrophobic after drying. It can be purchased at garden stores. It gives the substrate porosity and ensures that the earth never becomes compacted. It is recommended as an ecological moss substitute. Remember that coconut fibers do not change the pH of the soil. Therefore, it must be included in our land recipe.
- Activated carbon for plants . Such coal is simply burnt bark. It is important to choose activated charcoal. It is antibacterial and antifungal which prevents root diseases. It improves the quality of the substrate and reduces the growth of pathogens and bacteria. It also has filtering properties. Its porous structure allows it to absorb substances that are toxic to plants . Most often these are heavy metals, chlorine or residues of chemical preparations.
- Worm castings. This is a relatively new product that is sometimes hard to come by. It contains large amounts of nutrients and beneficial microbes. It is a fully ecological, rich, organic material. Its structure is similar to compost. Sometimes it is called vermicompost or bio-humus. It is the best form of natural fertilization of plants. It provides the soil with substances such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. All in the form of natural nutrients.
Now that you know what ingredients we’re going to use, let’s see how to mix them together.
A special earth mixture for Monstera should consist of:
- 3 parts of the bark
- 3 parts of pumice
- 3 parts of coconut fiber
- 1 part activated carbon
- 1 part bio-humus
It is easiest to prepare the individual ingredients using a measuring cup. You just fill the measure to full and count the number of measures.
Then mix the ingredients thoroughly and the mixture is ready ????
Repotting Monstera after purchase
Monstera should also be repotted immediately after purchase. The most important reason is the soil that growers use.
Such a substrate may not be optimal for growing monstera at home. Many people think that since the monstera grew in such soil, it will continue to grow in it at home. However, it must be remembered that in industrial plant breeding, special fertilizers are supplied with water that accelerates growth.
At the same time, growers use medium-quality soil because it is simply expensive.
If there is not enough fertilizer, monstera may not survive for long.
Another reason is the ability to inspect the roots during transplantation. You can then see what condition they are in. This is how you will find out if your copy is healthy.
The last reason is the size of the pot. Thanks to nutrients and fertilizers, monstera grows very quickly in culture. Most often, the pot is too small for it , already at the moment when it leaves the breeder.
For these reasons, it is worth repotting Monstera right after purchase.
Why replant Monstera?
Monstera should be repotted in order to improve its health, increase yields, replace the soil, and, above all, adapt the pot to the size of the plant.
As plants grow in a pot, they start to take up less and less space. Lack of space limits their growth and can lead to various problems. Yellow leaves are a common problem.
How to care for an overgrown monstera?
After transplanting monstera, it is worth taking care of it and providing it with optimal conditions for growth. Below you will find some tips that will allow you to take care of your monstera.
Check the humidity of the monstera substrate regularly and water it, keeping it evenly moist. Just make sure you don’t flood the roots as this can be dangerous for her. Use water at room temperature. Preferably rainwater or filtered water.

Monstera likes to be sprinkled because then it feels like in a natural environment. In fact, this is what makes these wonderful holes in the leaves. This is a natural defense mechanism against heavy rains that break its leaves. It is worth spraying the monstera with water every few days after transplanting.
Monsteras like bright but diffused light. Under natural conditions, they are protected by tree crowns. This is why they should never be placed in direct sunlight. The right amount of light will make the monstera grow faster after repotting.
Monstera grows well at 18-24°C. However, you have to be careful when moving to a new place. Avoid sudden changes in temperature and drafts
Monstera fertilization after repotting can be started after a few days. It is worth using an original fertilizer intended for tropical plants. However, you need to be moderate and it is better to slightly underestimate the dose given by the manufacturers. Excess nutrients can negatively affect the plant right after repotting.
Transplanting is a difficult moment for Monstera. For this reason, it is better to refrain from pruning roots or leaves. It is best to do this later until the plant is fully established.
Monitor and react
Regularly look after the monstera and keep an eye on it. In the first days after transplanting, its leaves may slightly bend, as if they want to fall. This is temporary and should return to normal after a few days.
When to repot Monstera?
How to recognize that Monstera needs repotting
You’re probably wondering when to repot Monstera. Below is a list of tips that show it’s time to repot:
- Roots sticking out of the pot
- Too small pot
- Difficulty maintaining proper humidity
- Slow growth
- A bad condition of the substrate (mold, fungi, and pests)
As you can see, repotting Monstera is not very complicated. It is enough to prepare the soil, pot, and plant well and everything will go smoothly.
Frequently Asked Questions about repotting Monstera plants
Can you repot a monstera?
Monstera can and should be repotted when the pot is too small for it.
When to repot Monstera into a larger pot?
Monstera should be repotted to a larger pot when it has too many roots protruding from the pot, when it grows slower and has a poor condition of the substrate.
When is Monstera transplanted?
Monstera is transplanted during the period of intensive growth, i.e. in spring or early summer.
Can Monstera be replanted?
Yes. Monstera can be split. In the article above you will find a link to the article that is dedicated to this.
Does Monstera like tight pots?
Monstera does not like tight pots. They can cause root rot, stagnation and limited growth.
How often should Monstera be watered?
The frequency of watering depends on the season. Monstera likes moderate watering and it is not recommended to dry the substrate too much.
Does Monstera have to have a hole in the pot?
Yes. Monstera must have a hole in the pot through which excess water will flow out. Without a hole, the roots of the monstera will stand in the water and rot.
What to do to make Monstera grow up?
In order for the monstera to grow upwards, you need to use a suitable support or bar. You can also apply appropriate cropping to point it upwards.
Does Monstera need to be supported?
Yes. Most monsters require a stand. In the article, you will find a link to an article in which I show how to make such a support yourself.
Can you cut a monstera mustache?
The tendrils are aerial roots and can be clipped, but not too often. You must remember that monstera absorbs water from the air through them. That is why proper air humidity in monstera cultivation is so important.
To what soil should Monstera be transplanted?
A slightly moist and well-drained soil is best for Monstera. It should have a pH in the range of 5.5-6.5 (slightly acidic). The easy mix consists of 3 parts universal earth and 2 parts perlite.
Should you prune yellow monstera leaves?
Yes. The yellow leaves of the monstera are not needed for anything and only burden the plant unnecessarily. In the article, you will find a link to my guide on yellow leaves and how to prevent them.